onsdag 8 oktober 2008

Ny "old Angel"

Min variant på en av "old angel" Tilda.
Hyfsat resultat.
Ha en fortsatt skön vecka med härligt

3 kommentarer:

quiltygal sa...

Hi linea how are you love the Angel is the paper Tilda as well? one of my local online shops Quilt Fabric Delights is going to stock Tilda fabrics so excited she has the two you sent me!and is going to have stitcheries as well !! hopefully she will have the books too...bank account will be empty!!

Käranån sa...

Vacker, vacker, vacker!!! Såå fin med rosen och struten, alldeles underbar! Stryk detdär med "hyfsat resultat"!!!

Lizzan sa...

Ohh så vacker ängel, så detaljrik och välarbetad! //Lizzan